Now that synthetic Human Growth Hormone
(HGH) has increased in popularity, especially for body-builders, some
companies are taking advantage of the trend by manufacturing
lower-grade, or even fake injectable HGH.
And how is that happening- exactly?
Growth hormone is exceedingly complex. HGH naturally produced by humans
has 191 amino acids. There are companies who produce this "real" HGH,
but due to its complexity, the price is very high. Consequently, what is
known as 192 "generic" HGH is produced and offered at a significantly
lower cost. One side-effect is that the body sometimes sees this extra
molecule as an "alien" invader and manufactures antibodies to eliminate
the threat, thus diminishing the effectiveness of the HGH. Some body
builders report large unsightly welts or rashes developing after using
192 HGH, generally near the injection site.
drug manufacturers, especially some from overseas, will make claims
that they have "real" HGH, and short of laboratory analysis there is no
absolute way to tell. But if you don't want to risk the allergic
reactions there is a cheap way to tell if you have the fake. Oddly
enough, if you're a male, it involves a pregnancy test kit. Here's why: A
lot of the generic, fake HGH is actually HCG, a hormone produced during
pregnancy. Thus if you're female and the test shows up positive, the
HCG hormone in your body generally indicates a pregnancy. On the other
hand, if you're a male and you're wondering about the legitimacy of the
"HGH" that you've been taking, do the test. If it shows you're
"pregnant", then you've got fake HGH.
the pregnancy test comes out negative, and you're using an HGH product
that you paid a fair price for and seems to be otherwise legitimate,
then you likely have the real thing, particularly if you're not
suffering side-effects. Some body-builders are looking for more
"natural" ways to enhance performance and are exploring the use of amino
acid supplements- the same ones that make up the Human Growth Hormone Online that the body produces naturally.
It's generally agreed that the best ones are:
Arginine - a prime mover in the production of natural GH
Ornithine- works in tandem with Arginine, which is why they should always be taken together.
Glutamine- which preserves the use of Arginine
are a few others as well, but those are the big three that research
shows to have the biggest impact. A number of companies make products
with those ingredients. Just be sure and read the label.
How To Boost HGH Release For Permanent Weight Loss
When your pituitary gland releases lots of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
you can eat like a Shire horse, yet stay slim as a racehorse. You
release lots of HGH while you're growing. But once you pass the age of
around 20, although production continues, HGH release starts to decline.
It continues downhill for the rest of your life. The amount of food you
could eat in your teens without gaining weight, is enough to make you
overweight in your forties and beyond. Boost your HGH production and
turn back the clock. Muscles and skin become more toned and firm. Fat
melts away. Weight loss just happens. Many claim HGH slows ageing too.
If you search the Internet for HGH, you'll find over 10 million websites
promoting it. The ‘real McCoy' is only available on prescription and is
given by injection. It's too expensive for most folk.
Real HGH is extracted from the pituitary glands of corpses. Unlike organ transplants, this is commercial not clinical. You don't know what the donors died from. CJD (human version of mad cow disease) is a brain disease which can take 20 or more years to show symptoms. Who knows whether or not the donors were in the early stages of CJD? Since CJD is a brain disease and your pituitary gland is situated at the base of your brain, you may feel it pays to be cautious. As to supplements that stimulate its production, some may prove effective, others cheap rip-offs. Can you tell which? Let the buyer beware! Instead of making regular repeat purchases of supplements that may or may not be effective, there's an alternative that you can produce yourself:

Healing Sounds: Although 'Healing by Sound' may seem 'far out' to you, Tibetans have used such a system for 2,500 years. No one would be crazy enough to continue using methods for that long if they didn't work! The Tibetans use 'singing bowls'. These are handcrafted from a mix of different metals. A stick rubbed around the rim of the bowl, produces the sound. Much like rubbing your wet finger around the rim of a wine glass. Western technology has developed a simpler alternative: a sound recording played through stereo earphones. Your brain produces electrical energy. The frequencies of that energy, (which we'll call brainwaves), normally depend on your brain's activity. When you're wide awake and thinking logically, your brainwave frequencies are in the ‘Beta Range' around 12Hz to 16Hz (Hertz or cycles per second). In deep dreamless sleep they're low in the Delta Range – 0.5Hz to 4Hz
Research suggests that certain brainwave frequencies, may be beneficial for specific glands and organs of your body. The 'Healing Sounds' technology, also known as ‘Binaural Beats,' guides your brain into producing such frequencies. You normally release growth hormone when you're in deep dreamless Delta sleep, during the first couple of hours after falling asleep. Binaural Beats can quickly and easily guide your brainwaves down to these low frequencies. When you hear a sound frequency in one ear, and a slightly different frequency in the other, your brain compensates for the difference.
It does this by producing its own frequency, equal to the difference between the two sound frequencies. So if you hear 400Hz in one ear and 410Hz in the other, your brain produces 10Hz. By varying the sound frequencies, you can guide your brain into producing any brainwave frequency within its normal ranges. Including the 1Hz frequency that's claimed to stimulate your pituitary gland into releasing more growth hormone!
Related Reading: Somatropin HGH Supplements Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection Somatropin Amino Acids Supplements Suppliers
Real HGH is extracted from the pituitary glands of corpses. Unlike organ transplants, this is commercial not clinical. You don't know what the donors died from. CJD (human version of mad cow disease) is a brain disease which can take 20 or more years to show symptoms. Who knows whether or not the donors were in the early stages of CJD? Since CJD is a brain disease and your pituitary gland is situated at the base of your brain, you may feel it pays to be cautious. As to supplements that stimulate its production, some may prove effective, others cheap rip-offs. Can you tell which? Let the buyer beware! Instead of making regular repeat purchases of supplements that may or may not be effective, there's an alternative that you can produce yourself:
Healing Sounds: Although 'Healing by Sound' may seem 'far out' to you, Tibetans have used such a system for 2,500 years. No one would be crazy enough to continue using methods for that long if they didn't work! The Tibetans use 'singing bowls'. These are handcrafted from a mix of different metals. A stick rubbed around the rim of the bowl, produces the sound. Much like rubbing your wet finger around the rim of a wine glass. Western technology has developed a simpler alternative: a sound recording played through stereo earphones. Your brain produces electrical energy. The frequencies of that energy, (which we'll call brainwaves), normally depend on your brain's activity. When you're wide awake and thinking logically, your brainwave frequencies are in the ‘Beta Range' around 12Hz to 16Hz (Hertz or cycles per second). In deep dreamless sleep they're low in the Delta Range – 0.5Hz to 4Hz
Research suggests that certain brainwave frequencies, may be beneficial for specific glands and organs of your body. The 'Healing Sounds' technology, also known as ‘Binaural Beats,' guides your brain into producing such frequencies. You normally release growth hormone when you're in deep dreamless Delta sleep, during the first couple of hours after falling asleep. Binaural Beats can quickly and easily guide your brainwaves down to these low frequencies. When you hear a sound frequency in one ear, and a slightly different frequency in the other, your brain compensates for the difference.
It does this by producing its own frequency, equal to the difference between the two sound frequencies. So if you hear 400Hz in one ear and 410Hz in the other, your brain produces 10Hz. By varying the sound frequencies, you can guide your brain into producing any brainwave frequency within its normal ranges. Including the 1Hz frequency that's claimed to stimulate your pituitary gland into releasing more growth hormone!
Related Reading: Somatropin HGH Supplements Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection Somatropin Amino Acids Supplements Suppliers
Human Menopause Gonadotrophins (HMG)
we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an
important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple
who for whatever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected
sexual intercourse or cannot carry the pregnancy to full term. With the
advance of medical technology, conventional medicine has proven record
in treating infertility but with some side effects. In this article, we
will discuss human menopause gonadotrophins (HMG) : definition, effects,
side effects and risk of conventional medication in treating hormone
imbalance. 1. Definition: Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
(HMG) contain both (LH) luteinizing hormone(LH) and follicle
stimulating hormone(FSH) which are used for women with ovulation
disorder by triggering the ovulation in production of follicle and egg.
HMG is one of the fertility medical treatment which may be necessary for
women, if artificial insemination is required such as IUI, IVF and
other ART.

2. How HMG effects infertile women: By using the HMG to increase the levels of LH and FSH as resulting of inability of pituitary gland in LH, and FSH production, it helps to stimulate ovulation as we mentioned in previous article. a) Ovulatory disorders: Ovulatory disorder usually caused by low levels of LH and FSH as resulting in either of low levels of estrogen or damage of hypothalamus in releasing of GrNH, HMG increases the levels of LH and FSH directly without the need of hypothalamus secretion. b) Pituitary gland abnormality: for whatever reason, some women's pituitary gland is not response to the secreting of the GrNH in production of LH and FSH or low levels of LH and FSH as resulting of pituitary gland malfunction. HMG increases levels of FH and FSH naturally, leading to ovulation. c) Eggs production: HMG besides enhancing ovulation, it also acts directly to the ovarian in follicle and mature eggs production.
3. Side effects: a) Hyperovarian stimulation as resulting of over production of follicles inside of the ovaries. b) Nervous disorder as resulting of interfering of hormone production. Symptoms include mood swing and depression. 4. Risk: increasing the risk of multiple pregnancy by 40% of all pregnancies. For the best pregnancy self help program review, please visit, As one of professional Menopausal Gonadotropin Suppliers, XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd is committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products.
Related Reading: High Quality Gonadotropin Chorionic Recombinant Human Erythropoietin HGH Human Growth Hormone Injections
2. How HMG effects infertile women: By using the HMG to increase the levels of LH and FSH as resulting of inability of pituitary gland in LH, and FSH production, it helps to stimulate ovulation as we mentioned in previous article. a) Ovulatory disorders: Ovulatory disorder usually caused by low levels of LH and FSH as resulting in either of low levels of estrogen or damage of hypothalamus in releasing of GrNH, HMG increases the levels of LH and FSH directly without the need of hypothalamus secretion. b) Pituitary gland abnormality: for whatever reason, some women's pituitary gland is not response to the secreting of the GrNH in production of LH and FSH or low levels of LH and FSH as resulting of pituitary gland malfunction. HMG increases levels of FH and FSH naturally, leading to ovulation. c) Eggs production: HMG besides enhancing ovulation, it also acts directly to the ovarian in follicle and mature eggs production.
3. Side effects: a) Hyperovarian stimulation as resulting of over production of follicles inside of the ovaries. b) Nervous disorder as resulting of interfering of hormone production. Symptoms include mood swing and depression. 4. Risk: increasing the risk of multiple pregnancy by 40% of all pregnancies. For the best pregnancy self help program review, please visit, As one of professional Menopausal Gonadotropin Suppliers, XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd is committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products.
Related Reading: High Quality Gonadotropin Chorionic Recombinant Human Erythropoietin HGH Human Growth Hormone Injections
What Natural Human Growth Hormone Actually Does
many folks out there are dying to lose weight, maintain muscle, be fit,
look great and feel youthful. However, at the same time, so many people
out there don't want to do a thing to achieve these results! It's true,
as we get older, staying fit, staying lean and having energy can be a
definite challenge. That's because as we age, the amount of key hormones
in our body, like growth hormone decline significantly. This leads to
increased fat, decreased libido, depression, lack of energy and other
unwanted side effects. Yuck! Who wants all of this mess? So what can you
do about this drop in GH levels? Well, you can try to get a doctor to
prescribe you expensive and painful growth hormone injections that come
with a laundry list full of side effects and possible side effects; but
again, who wants this! I mean yes, the injections can definitely work,
but they can also thicken your skull, cause hypoglycemia and to be
honest, there hasn't been enough long-term research on just what happens
to people who take synthetic HGH therapy.

Now, another alternative to synthetic HGH therapy is natural growth hormone supplementation. Natural growth hormone supplements are all-natural and contain herbal extracts that enable your body to produce its own HGH safely and naturally. In other words, Natural human growth hormone treatment basically gives your body the nutrients it needs to produce GH on its own; nothing synthetic, nothing artificial! Just all-natural growth hormone releasers! So, what can you expect from a natural growth hormone supplement? Well, don't expect to turn into a David Beckam or Scarlett Johannsen overnight, but with the proper diet, exercise and the proper sleep regimen you can expect to add and keep lean muscle, have much more energy, an increased libido, enjoy better moods and have quality sleep; awesome huh?
Be careful of all of the scam products out there. Be sure and buy best HGH bodybuilding supplements from a rep utable company and one that has been on the market for quite some time! Remember, quality is everything when it comes to something that you are putting into your body. Another point to consider is current health problems and current medications. If currently you are under a doctor's care and/or taking medication of any type, please be sure to speak with your MD before starting any natural product. Do not start the product, and then check; be smart and be safe!
Related Reading: Human Growth Hormone HGH Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection
Now, another alternative to synthetic HGH therapy is natural growth hormone supplementation. Natural growth hormone supplements are all-natural and contain herbal extracts that enable your body to produce its own HGH safely and naturally. In other words, Natural human growth hormone treatment basically gives your body the nutrients it needs to produce GH on its own; nothing synthetic, nothing artificial! Just all-natural growth hormone releasers! So, what can you expect from a natural growth hormone supplement? Well, don't expect to turn into a David Beckam or Scarlett Johannsen overnight, but with the proper diet, exercise and the proper sleep regimen you can expect to add and keep lean muscle, have much more energy, an increased libido, enjoy better moods and have quality sleep; awesome huh?
Be careful of all of the scam products out there. Be sure and buy best HGH bodybuilding supplements from a rep utable company and one that has been on the market for quite some time! Remember, quality is everything when it comes to something that you are putting into your body. Another point to consider is current health problems and current medications. If currently you are under a doctor's care and/or taking medication of any type, please be sure to speak with your MD before starting any natural product. Do not start the product, and then check; be smart and be safe!
Related Reading: Human Growth Hormone HGH Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection
Natural Human Growth Hormone Releasers
Natural human growth hormone releasers
are supplements that have been formulated to safely and naturally
encourage the pituitary gland to produce more of its own HGH. The human
growth hormone is a protein-based peptide that is naturally produced,
stored and secreted by the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible
for growth, cell reproduction and regeneration, plus the release of
other hormones. The normal amount of HGH is supposed to be 800mcg per
day. Unfortunately, an individual only enjoys those levels from
adolescence and into their early adulthood. For reasons unknown, after
the age of 30, this amount decreases to around 400mcg per day. Once this
decline starts to take place, it will continue to decline, until by the
age of 60, there is almost no HGH present in the body at all. There are
various things that begin to happen once the amount of HGH begins to
of energy, physical stamina and endurance, Weight gain with no change
in diet or exercise. Hypertension, High cholesterol levels, Insomnia,
Appearance of lines and wrinkles, HGH supplements were developed as a
safe alternative to HGH injections. HGH injections require a
prescription, are painful and expensive and pose some serious side
effects like edema, carpal tunnel syndrome and liver damage. HGH
supplements do not contain the hormone; they are formulated with
ingredients that stimulate the pituitary gland to make more of its own
HGH, thus reducing the risk of any unwanted side effects. Taking HGH
supplements alone will not reverse the aging process. Individuals must
be willing to make healthy lifestyle choices about eating right and
exercising regularly to get the maximum benefits of HGH supplements.
Although there are no reported side effects, individuals should still
consult with a doctor prior to taking any new supplement or medication.
According to the manufacturer, individuals can enjoy:
Drastic increase in energy, physical stamina and endurance, Reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, Improved quality of sleep, Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, Healthier hair and nails, Weight gain without following strict diets, Increased results from workouts, Improved cardiovascular health, Rejuvenated respiratory function, Increased sex drive and libido, Natural Human Growth Hormone Releasers are the safest most effective way to slow down and reverse some of the signs that come along with the aging process. Reading HGH reviews prior to buying best HGH bodybuilding supplements is the best way to decide which one to buy.
Related Reading: Human Growth Hormone HGH Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection
Drastic increase in energy, physical stamina and endurance, Reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, Improved quality of sleep, Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, Healthier hair and nails, Weight gain without following strict diets, Increased results from workouts, Improved cardiovascular health, Rejuvenated respiratory function, Increased sex drive and libido, Natural Human Growth Hormone Releasers are the safest most effective way to slow down and reverse some of the signs that come along with the aging process. Reading HGH reviews prior to buying best HGH bodybuilding supplements is the best way to decide which one to buy.
Related Reading: Human Growth Hormone HGH Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection
Human Growth Hormone
Natural human growth hormone
(HGH) or Somatotrophin is a protein which helps in growth and cell
production in animals and humans. It is the hormone which is made
naturally in the pituitary glands of humans. The pituitary gland is deep
inside the brain just behind the eye. The hormone is made in the body
throughout a person's life but the development of this hormone is more
when the person is young. The human growth Hormone is a microscopic
protein substance and is found secreted in short pulses after the
exercise and during first hours of sleep. The hormone plays a very
essential role in adult metabolism and growth of children. The growth
hormone as it indicates helps in the growth of the human body, it
stimulates the liver and other tissues which in turn stimulates the
growth of bone. The process of growing continues till the time when it
has to i.e. till the time a person reaches adult height. But the role of
the growth hormone does not end, and then there will be normal level of
human growth hormone that will maintain the balance throughout
Another function of best HGH bodybuilding supplements is to control protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and stimulates the growth of muscle tissue in cell reproduction. Our lifestyle, diet, exercise, adequate sleep, stress levels will have great impact on the growth hormone and its capacity to function properly. Normal growth and proper function will always keep the body fit but there is condition when there is excessive growth of this hormone or deficiency, both hampers the proper functioning of the body along with some adverse effects. If the level of HGH is increased in the body it results in Giantism in children where the growth is rapid and in continuation. Whereas in adults it results in Acromegaly, a disease in which the bones of the jaws, fingers and toes thickens which exerts pressure on nerves, insulin resistance or a person can suffer from a rare form of type2 diabetes, this is not all a person with increased growth hormone can have weak muscles and reduced sexual function. This condition is treated with medication which obstructs the release of human growth hormone.
When there is deficiency of growth hormone it results in stunted growth in children whereas the effects are mild in grownups. They will experience muscle weakness, fatigue or weariness and inability to metabolize the fat. The deficiency of growth hormone can be treated with the supplements of human growth hormone. But in more severe conditions the solution lies in surgery. There are HGH injections, HGH oral sprays and HGH supplements which are meant to fulfill the requirement of human growth hormone when the body is not able to produce it naturally. The growth hormone are said to be working as anti aging process, but the more advanced studies reveal that the evidence are inconclusive to prove that HGH reverse the process of aging. Prolong use or regular application of growth hormone will definitely have many side effects and long lasing ill effects on health. As one of professional hgh ansomone suppliers, XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd is committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products.
Related Reading: Recombinant Human Erythropoietin HGH Human Growth Hormone Injections Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Powder
Another function of best HGH bodybuilding supplements is to control protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and stimulates the growth of muscle tissue in cell reproduction. Our lifestyle, diet, exercise, adequate sleep, stress levels will have great impact on the growth hormone and its capacity to function properly. Normal growth and proper function will always keep the body fit but there is condition when there is excessive growth of this hormone or deficiency, both hampers the proper functioning of the body along with some adverse effects. If the level of HGH is increased in the body it results in Giantism in children where the growth is rapid and in continuation. Whereas in adults it results in Acromegaly, a disease in which the bones of the jaws, fingers and toes thickens which exerts pressure on nerves, insulin resistance or a person can suffer from a rare form of type2 diabetes, this is not all a person with increased growth hormone can have weak muscles and reduced sexual function. This condition is treated with medication which obstructs the release of human growth hormone.
When there is deficiency of growth hormone it results in stunted growth in children whereas the effects are mild in grownups. They will experience muscle weakness, fatigue or weariness and inability to metabolize the fat. The deficiency of growth hormone can be treated with the supplements of human growth hormone. But in more severe conditions the solution lies in surgery. There are HGH injections, HGH oral sprays and HGH supplements which are meant to fulfill the requirement of human growth hormone when the body is not able to produce it naturally. The growth hormone are said to be working as anti aging process, but the more advanced studies reveal that the evidence are inconclusive to prove that HGH reverse the process of aging. Prolong use or regular application of growth hormone will definitely have many side effects and long lasing ill effects on health. As one of professional hgh ansomone suppliers, XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd is committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products.
Related Reading: Recombinant Human Erythropoietin HGH Human Growth Hormone Injections Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Powder
Natural Human Growth Hormone: What It Is And How It Can Benefit You
By now, you have certainly heard of natural human growth hormone
therapy, it is a very popular topic these days, and for many reasons.
Many people think of it as the anti-aging miracle drug, and it's also
very controversial because of the lack of research and because of the
abuse of human growth hormone by popular athletes. But, some research
suggests that human growth hormone therapy may actually be beneficial
for people as they get older. Human growth hormone plays a very
important role in the human body. It is produced by the pituitary gland
and is responsible for cell reproduction, cell regeneration and growth.
The body begins making this very important hormone even before birth and
peaks at puberty. Think about it, when you are looking your absolute
best, usually feeling your absolute best and are what's called, "young",
you have the highest amounts of HGH in your body.
Unfortunately, the production of this important hormone declines over time as we age, and this can lead to all sorts of issues ranging from loss of bone density, to fatigue, to a decrease in sex drive, increased body fat, a decrease in lean muscle mass and disease. Now, why should someone choose best HGH bodybuilding supplements as an alternative to regular human growth hormone therapy? Well, first off, the natural route is much cheaper than the drug route, and safer depending on the product you choose. Natural products stimulate your body to produce its own human growth hormone. You aren't just injecting some foreign substance into your system; you aren't taking a drug and risking all sorts of side effects that may come with it.
I believe most people would agree, if the same results can be achieved naturally, and for less money, then that is certainly the best option! So, what can you expect as you increase your human growth hormone levels? Well, bones will become more dense sense HGH increases calcium retention, your body will recover faster as cell reproduction and regeneration are enhanced, your sex drive will be boosted, you will lose fat and gain/maintain lean muscle mass. Also, your risk of heart disease goes down significantly as HDL (the good cholesterol) increases and LDL (the bad cholesterol) decreases. As one of the most professional HGH ansomone suppliers in china, XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd has been exporting our products to worldwide in the past few years, We are committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products.
Related reading: Recombinant human Erythropoietin HGH Human Growth Hormone Injections Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Powder
Unfortunately, the production of this important hormone declines over time as we age, and this can lead to all sorts of issues ranging from loss of bone density, to fatigue, to a decrease in sex drive, increased body fat, a decrease in lean muscle mass and disease. Now, why should someone choose best HGH bodybuilding supplements as an alternative to regular human growth hormone therapy? Well, first off, the natural route is much cheaper than the drug route, and safer depending on the product you choose. Natural products stimulate your body to produce its own human growth hormone. You aren't just injecting some foreign substance into your system; you aren't taking a drug and risking all sorts of side effects that may come with it.
I believe most people would agree, if the same results can be achieved naturally, and for less money, then that is certainly the best option! So, what can you expect as you increase your human growth hormone levels? Well, bones will become more dense sense HGH increases calcium retention, your body will recover faster as cell reproduction and regeneration are enhanced, your sex drive will be boosted, you will lose fat and gain/maintain lean muscle mass. Also, your risk of heart disease goes down significantly as HDL (the good cholesterol) increases and LDL (the bad cholesterol) decreases. As one of the most professional HGH ansomone suppliers in china, XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd has been exporting our products to worldwide in the past few years, We are committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products.
Related reading: Recombinant human Erythropoietin HGH Human Growth Hormone Injections Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Powder
Stanozolol - A Powerful Steroid Without Water Retention
Brief description:
Activity: 8 hours
Classification: Anabolic / Androgenic Steroid (Oral)
Dose: Men 20-50 mg / day or more
Acne: Rare
Water Retention: Rare
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Hepatotoxicity: Yes, it is a 17-AA steroid
Aromatization: No, it is a derivative of DHT DHT
Conversion: No
Decrease HPTA function: Poor
Stanozolol is the derivative of dihydrotestosterone, but much milder than DHT in androgen level. This anabolic steroid provides increased quality mass. On the force he can be compared to methandrostenolone, but without the effect of water retention. As well as methandrostenolone, stanozolol with 17 alpha-alkylated, this can harm the liver, although there is a version of the injectable Stanozolol. Stanazolol is not capable of aromatization, so it is the best possible use during pre-contest training, because it does not retain water and fat. This steroid is good for athletes, who need the power and speed without excessive weight. Stanozolol also exists in tablet form and in injectable variant. Chemically they are identical, but the injectable form allows to significantly increasing the administration of a dose. For the best growth in the stock, you can add highly-androgenic steroids such as Methandrostenolone, Oxymetholone.

For precontest training can be combined with Stanozolol, Trenbolone, Halotest. More sensitive athletes can combine it with Primobolan, Nandrolone Decanoate, Boldenone Undecylenate. For women, the dosage will be somewhere in the 5-10mg daily. 50mg per day, in the case of injectable Stanozolol may be too high a dose, there is great risk of virilization. Tabletted form of the anabolic steroid is harmful to the liver of athletes, as Stanazolol is c17-alpha alkylated drug, although in case of the use of injectable forms is possible liver damage, too. Use of the steroid is better to limit in 6-8 weeks. Also, it is necessary to remember that Stanazolol very bad effect on the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. Stanozolol reduces the activity of binding globulin. Browse to learn all you need to know about Stanozolol and other anabolic hormones products available on this site.
XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd is a professional exporter of Human Growth Hormone products and medicines & health products. We have been exporting our products to worldwide in the past few years. We mainly specialize in HGH products, such as blue stanozolol tablets, recombinant human erythropoietin injection, methenolone acetate powders, somatropin hgh supplements, gaspari nutrition anatropin, menopausal gonadotropin powder, bulk anadrol oxymetholone, mechano growth factor etc, 2014 our company became the exclusive agent HYGENE of a new brand (Angtropin), We are committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products. We welcome any inquiry so please feel free to contact us.
Related Reading: Human Growth Hormone HGH Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection Recombinant human Erythropoietin Injection
Activity: 8 hours
Classification: Anabolic / Androgenic Steroid (Oral)
Dose: Men 20-50 mg / day or more
Acne: Rare
Water Retention: Rare
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Hepatotoxicity: Yes, it is a 17-AA steroid
Aromatization: No, it is a derivative of DHT DHT
Conversion: No
Decrease HPTA function: Poor
Stanozolol is the derivative of dihydrotestosterone, but much milder than DHT in androgen level. This anabolic steroid provides increased quality mass. On the force he can be compared to methandrostenolone, but without the effect of water retention. As well as methandrostenolone, stanozolol with 17 alpha-alkylated, this can harm the liver, although there is a version of the injectable Stanozolol. Stanazolol is not capable of aromatization, so it is the best possible use during pre-contest training, because it does not retain water and fat. This steroid is good for athletes, who need the power and speed without excessive weight. Stanozolol also exists in tablet form and in injectable variant. Chemically they are identical, but the injectable form allows to significantly increasing the administration of a dose. For the best growth in the stock, you can add highly-androgenic steroids such as Methandrostenolone, Oxymetholone.
For precontest training can be combined with Stanozolol, Trenbolone, Halotest. More sensitive athletes can combine it with Primobolan, Nandrolone Decanoate, Boldenone Undecylenate. For women, the dosage will be somewhere in the 5-10mg daily. 50mg per day, in the case of injectable Stanozolol may be too high a dose, there is great risk of virilization. Tabletted form of the anabolic steroid is harmful to the liver of athletes, as Stanazolol is c17-alpha alkylated drug, although in case of the use of injectable forms is possible liver damage, too. Use of the steroid is better to limit in 6-8 weeks. Also, it is necessary to remember that Stanazolol very bad effect on the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. Stanozolol reduces the activity of binding globulin. Browse to learn all you need to know about Stanozolol and other anabolic hormones products available on this site.
XinLong BioTech CO.,Ltd is a professional exporter of Human Growth Hormone products and medicines & health products. We have been exporting our products to worldwide in the past few years. We mainly specialize in HGH products, such as blue stanozolol tablets, recombinant human erythropoietin injection, methenolone acetate powders, somatropin hgh supplements, gaspari nutrition anatropin, menopausal gonadotropin powder, bulk anadrol oxymetholone, mechano growth factor etc, 2014 our company became the exclusive agent HYGENE of a new brand (Angtropin), We are committed to providing best price and high quality products in order to meet the demands of our customers. Our company is proud of our quick response, short delivery time, reasonable price and high quality products. We welcome any inquiry so please feel free to contact us.
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