Anionic polyacrylamide is used in mining, mineral processing and metallurgy. Through the use of polyacrylamide, it can promote the rapid settlement of effective solid, improve the solid-liquid separation effect, reduce tailings loss and environmental pollution, and reduce production costs. Generally speaking, products with high molecular weight are needed in the process of mineral processing to ensure fast sedimentation rate, good centrifugal process effect and easy to obtain better economic effect.

Clarification and purification effect;
Sedimentation facilitation;
Filter facilitation;
Thickening and other effects.
In waste liquid treatment, sludge concentration and dehydration, mineral processing, coal washing, paper making and other aspects, can fully meet the requirements of various fields.
Marketing Center: RM 603, RuiYing Building, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong, China
Factory : Area A No.9, Technology Park, Sanshui District, Foshan, Guangdong, China
Tel : +86 13929123248
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