The common sand washing field, in the process of sand washing, the wastewater has a large amount of water and is difficult to deposit quickly. Generally has two above deposition pool to filter out larger suspension or particles, However, most of the sediment needs to be added pac poly aluminum chloride and poly acrylamide for flocculation and deposition to reach the clear pool, shorten the time of sewage treatment and reduce the suspended matter content in the mud wastewater of the sand washing site, which can be useful for recycling and improve the recycling efficiency of circulating water.The method is as follows:

1.An aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.2% was prepared.
2.Due to the wide range of water PH values applicable to this product, the general dosage is 0.1-10ppm (0.1-10mg/L).
3.Dissolve well. When it is required to dissolve, the water body should be fully stirred up before slowly and evenly taking part in the dose.
4.The stirring speed is generally 400 RPM, and the time is not less than 60 minutes.
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